Lets Go To Hacking
Some Hacking Works
1)How to Add an Option to Print the Contents of a Folder
Would you like to be able to right click any folder in Explorer and print its contents? You can add this option to the context menu by following these steps:
First, you need to create a batch file called Printdir.bat. Open Notepad or another text editor and type this text:
@echo off
dir %1 /-p /o:gn > "%temp%\Listing"
start /w notepad /p "%temp%\Listing"
del "%temp%\Listing"
Now, in the Save As dialog box, type "%windir%\Printdir.bat" (without the quotation marks) and click the Save button.
Click Start, Control Panel, Folder Options.
Click the File Types tab, and then click File Folder.
Click the Advanced button.
Click the New button.
Would you like to be able to right click any folder in Explorer and print its contents? You can add this option to the context menu by following these steps:
First, you need to create a batch file called Printdir.bat. Open Notepad or another text editor and type this text:
@echo off
dir %1 /-p /o:gn > "%temp%\Listing"
start /w notepad /p "%temp%\Listing"
del "%temp%\Listing"
Now, in the Save As dialog box, type "%windir%\Printdir.bat" (without the quotation marks) and click the Save button.
Click Start, Control Panel, Folder Options.
Click the File Types tab, and then click File Folder.
Click the Advanced button.
Click the New button.
n the Action box, type "Print Directory Listing" (without the quotation marks).
In the Application used to perform action box, type "Printdir.bat" (without the quotation marks).
Click OK in all three dialog boxes to close the dialog boxes.
You're not quite finished yet! Now you need to edit the Registry, so open your favorite Registry Editor.
Navigate to HKEY CLASSES ROOT\Directory\shell.
Right click on "default" and select Modify.
In the File Data box, type "none" (without the quotation marks).
Click OK and close the Registry Editor.
Now when you right click a folder, you'll see the option to Print Directory Listing. Selecting it will print the contents of the folder.
Who needs a stinking program to print a folder directory?
How To Fix Corrupted Files
This tutorial has been made so people that are having problems with corrupted files, can learn how to fix them easy.
+ Place the xp cd in your cd/dvd drive
+ Go to start
+ run
+ type in 'sfc /scannow' (without the ')
Now it should all load, and fix all your corrupted file on windows XP
How to Remove WinXP Splash and See Operations
Are you having boot up problems and would like to know what it going on behind that Windows Loading Logo? To find out, you can disable the splash screen by making a small change to the Boot.ini file.
Follow these steps (carefully!):
1. Open the "System Properties" dialog box ( Settings - Control Panel - System)
2. On the Advanced tab, click the Settings button in the "Startup And Recovery" section.
3. In the "Startup And Recovery" dialog box, select the Edit button in the "System Startup" section.
4. The Boot.ini file will open in Notepad; locate the line that ends with the /fastdetect switch.
5. Position your cursor to the right after the parameter, press the spacebar, and add the /SOS switch.
6. Save the Boot.ini file, and close Notepad.
7. Click Cancel to close both the "Startup And Recovery" dialog box and the "System Properties" dialog box.
8. Restart the computer to see the effect.
Once the computer restarts you will notice that the Windows Splash Screen is no longer present. Instead you can observe some of the boot up operations that Windows XP performs during the startup stage.
To reenable the splash screen, follow the same procedure but remove the "/SOS".
Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown
This reg file automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.
1. Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management]
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l]
2. Save the file as shutdown.reg
3. Double click the file to import into your registry.
NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "Script Safe" or similar technology enabled.
FireFox Tweaks
Yes, firefox is already pretty damn fast but did you know that you can tweak it and improve the speed even more?
That's the beauty of this program being open source.
Here's what you do:
In the URL bar, type "about:config" and press enter. This will bring up the configuration "menu" where you can change the parameters of Firefox.
Note that these are what I've found to REALLY speed up my Firefox significantly - and these settings seem to be common among everybody else as well. But these settings are optimized for broadband connections - I mean with as much concurrent requests we're going to open up with pipelining… lol… you'd better have a big connection.
Double Click on the following settins and put in the numbers below - for the true / false booleans - they'll change when you double click.
browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs – true
network.http.max-connections – 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server – 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy – 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server – 4
network.http.pipelining – true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests – 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining – true
network.http.request.timeout – 300
One more thing… Right-click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW -> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. Since you're broadband - it shouldn't have to wait.
Now you should notice you're loading pages MUCH faster!
How To Edit Right-Click Menu Items
Removing Items
A lot of programs you install will add themselves to the right-click menu of your files and/or folders. And most times, you have no choice in the matter and, as a result, your right-click menu can get very long with added items you don't even use. The last person I was helping with this had a right context menu so long that the Rename option was no longer visible!
Fortunately, you can easily remove those unwanted menu items, if you know the registry values to edit. And it's not at all difficult once you know the keys responsible for the additions.
For Files, the secret lies in the "context menu handlers" under the shellex subkey for "All Files" which, in the registry, is nothing but an asterisk - like a dos wildcard, which means the values entered apply to all files. It is at the very top of the Root key, right here:
Click the the + sign next to the ContextMenuHandlers key, to expand it.
Now you will see some of the programs that have added items to your right-click menu. Simply delete the program keys you don't want.
Yup! It's that simple. If deleting makes you uneasy, just export the key before deleting it. Or, instead of deleting the values, disable them. Simply double click the default value for the program on the right hand pane and rename the clsid value by placing a period or dash in front of it.
ie; - {b5eedee0-c06e-11cf-8c56-444553540000}
Then exit the registry, refresh, and right click a file to see if the item was removed from the menu.
Some programs - like WinZip or WinRar - will add several items to your right click menu but all of them will be removed by deleting or disabling their one context menu handler.
Note that the above key only applies to the right click menu of files.
To remove entries from the right click context menu of folders, you need to navigate to the Folder and Drive keys:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandle rs
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shellex\ContextMenuHandler s
All you have to do is follow the same procedure as for Files - either disable or delete items you wish to remove.
Adding Items
Adding Items to the right click menu of Files and Folders is also fairly simple using the Registry. It just involves the creation of a few new keys for each item you wish to add. You edit the same keys used for removing items. Let's use Notepad as an example of an item you'd like to add to the right click menu of all your files or folders.
For folders, go to this key:
Click the + sign next to Folder and expand it so that the Shell key is visible. Right click the Shell key and choose New>Key and name the key Notepad or whatever else you'd prefer (whatever the key is named is what will appear in the right-click menu). Now right click the new key you made and create another key named Command. Then, in the right hand pane, double click "Default" and enter Notepad.exe as the value.
Exit the registry, refresh, and right click any folder. Notepad should now be on the context menu.
For files, go here again:
Expand the * key and see if a Shell key exists. If it does exist, follow the same procedure as for folders. If it does not exist, you'll have to create a new Shell first. Just right click the * key and choose New>Key and name it Shell. Then right click the Shell key and continue on the same way you did for adding items to the right click menu of folders.
Once done, Notepad should appear as an option in the right click menu of all your files.
how to setup ur own dns(domain name server)
This is only a quick tutorial, there are literally hundreds of little tricks you can do with a DNS, but this will get your basics up and running. I'm assuming you want to setup a windows DNS server, but the principals will work for most servers.
You will need..
1) A domain name over which you have full control
2) DNS server software(Windows server always comes with one of these)
3) At least one fixed IP address, allthough two is highly desirable
4) An idea of what services you want on your server
The first thing you need to do is create your new domain entry. In windows this is called a "Zone" and you will have one for every domain name you have. Add your main domain in the forward lookup zone as a Primary zone, which will be in the format " Domainname.com", or .co.uk, or whatever, you shouldn't need any more details for this bit. Do *not* allow dynamic updates unless this is a local network DNS. Once it is created you will have 2 entry's under your new domain, "SOA"(Or Start of Authority) and "NS"(Or Name server). If you want a 100% compliant DNS then you should now follow the same process but adding a domain as a reverse lookup zone. Any changes you make to the forward lookup should have the "Update Reverse Lookup" option ticked if its available, if not you must update the reverse zone manually(This is very important).
Now edit the "NS" entry in your forward zone to "NS0.DomainName.Com", and set it to the relevant IP address. Add another (NS) record and set it to " NS1.DomainName.Com". If using 2 IP address, try to make NS0 the first IP. Now you need to configure the SOA entry in the forward lookup zone. The serial number should be changed to a date followed by a number in this format "YYYYMMDDnn", this is not required, but is advised by RIPE. The primary server will be the " NS0.domainname.com" entry you just made and the responsible person should be left for now. The refresh interval should be set somewhere between 1200 to 43200 seconds, the retry should be between 120-7200 seconds and the expires after should be around 2-4 weeks(I'll let you work out the seconds for that). The minimum TTL is quite important, and depending on what you are going to do with the domain, you might need to tweak this a bit. Typically a value between 1-3 hours should be used. Now go to your "Name server" settings in your SOA record(In windows this is a tab in the same window) remove the defaults, and add your two Name servers that you just setup. We will come back to the SOA record later, but for now we need to do some more stuff.
If you want a website, then your going to want the WWW. setting up. We will set it up as an "A" record, which means it is a separate top level record and will be populated separately from other entries. So add an "A" to your forward lookup zone and put the entry as "WWW", and set the IP address to wherever you want the website to be. This will be where the domain always goes, and it could be anywhere. Just make sure there is a web server waiting there for it. If you want FTP, then setup the same thing but with "FTP" in the entry. You will now also have to setup "A" records for the NS0 and NS1 name servers that you added previously, just make them the same as WWW and FTP, but make sure the IP addresses match the ones used for setting up the "NS" records. Also add a blank "A" record, this will make sure that " domainname.com" works as well as "www.domainname.com".
Now you should decide whether or not you want to have mail on this domain. It is Hegel advisable that you set one up, even if it just to catch domain mail about abuse or potential problems that might occur. You can find plenty of high quality free mail servers out there, but I would recommend "Mail Enable", its free and provides everything you would want, but if you want webmail you do have to pay something extra for it. We will now configure the MX records. Add an "A" name for your mail server, you can add 2 if you want, but for simplicity I would advise staying with 1. We will call ours " Mail.domainname.com", and point it to one of our IP addresses. Now add an "MX" record in the Forward Lookup zone, giving it the full "A" record you just entered " Mail.domainname.com", and do not setup a host or child domain, just leave it blank.
This next step isn't needed, but is again highly recommended.
Now to finish the SOA you need to add two more records. A "RP" entry, which is a Responsible Person, and they will be the contact point for domain complaints and a "MB" entry, which is a mailbox entry. The "MB" should just be pointed to the mail server domain name " Mail.domainname.com", and the "RP" should have the host or domain set to the name of your mail box. So for this server it will be " Tony.Domainname.com", and the mailbox will be set to the "MB" record you just made. Don't worry about the RP address having no "@" in it, this is the expected format for an "RP" entry. You will now have to go back into the SOA and change the responsible person to the new "RP" record you just made.
And thats it, your done! You can add as many "A" records as you like to point to other web servers, or a multitude of FTP sites. And you can add "CNAME" records to basically point to another name, usually an "A" record, like an alias.
Now before you switch your domain on, you need to check that the server is performing properly. So go to DNS Report: The free, thorough report on the DNS for your domain, and run the report on your domain " domainname.com", and it will give you a very detailed report of any problems, and even a short description of how to fix the problems. If all is OK, then you are ready to go live. If your domain name is new, or not currently hosted anywhere then the first thing you should do is re-point the domain at your new server. You will typically do this with the provider who owns the domain, and it will be different with all hosts. But the basic settings are the same. You will be asked for at least 2 name servers and ip addresses to go with them. Just put in " NS0.domainname.com" and "NS1.domainname.com" and put in the correct IP addresses. Make sure you do not mess this up, as changes to your main NS servers could potentially take several days to straighten themselves out. Update these settings, and then sit back and wait. You can do a whois on the main DNS server of your domain provider to check if the settings have worked, but again this doesn't always work. For the big 3 domains(.com .net .org) you can do a whois on the network associates site to see the changes instantly. You can also track the progress of the domain changes by doing an NSLookup in dos, like this...
c:\nslookup ns0.domainname.com NS0.yourprovidersdns.com
That will give you the entries your domain provider has
c:\nslookup DomainName.com -- Reserve Your Place In Cyberspace with DomainName.com Domain Name Registration Services! ns0.domainname.com
And this will tell you if the changes for your domain have gone through to your ISPs DNS yet. It should give you back the IP address of your new DNS server.
You should always make sure your server is backed up, and that you refresh or update the DNS when you are making changes.
How To Capture Streaming Media
Many websites (A1 Bollywood Hindi Tamil Telugu Indian Music Videos Songs Soundtracks Movie Film and News - SmasHits.com) stream songs and videos
people believe they cannot be downloaded, quite why i dont know. they kinda think there is no file present to dwnld
Once the file is located it can then be retrieved by nettransport
nettransport is able to dwnld any file whether ftp or rtsp etc
1. Download Project URL Snooper 1.02.01 from ‚Ý‚ç‚Ý‚ç‚Ý‚ç`
2. Install URL Snooper (and WinPcap together)
3. Don't run URL Snooper when it is done installing
4. Restart computer
5. Open Project URL Snooper
6. Click on the General Options Tab
7. user posted image
8. Chose a network adapter
9. Now click on the search tab
10. Click Sniff Network
11. Go to a webpage and you should see some results in the results list
12. If nothing is appearing then chose another network adapter, until one works
13. Now you are ready to begin searching
14. Click the "Hide Non-Streaming URLs" option to hide all http:// references and only show URLs corresponding to streaming audio/video (rtsp, pnm, wma, etc.)
15. Then click Sniff Network
16. Your links should appear as you begin streaming your file
17. Select your desired stream user posted image
18. usually rm file user posted image
19. On the bottom there should be the link which you simply copy user posted image
20. Download nettransport from here
ftp://down_transport:123@s1.5fox.com/NT2Setup_multi.EXE or
ftp://nettransport:nettransport@61.1...up_multi. EXE
21. Install it
22. Click on new
23. Paste link
Now you should be able to download any file
How To Give Yourself An Instant Page Rank 10 Website?
Basically all you are doing is adding one line of code to your .htaccess file.
The short sweet and simple method....
1.) Paste this line of code in your .htaccess file
Redirect 301 /index.html Google
And your done! Notice that your homepage will now suddenly redirect to Google, but all other pages will still work fine. After the next Google PR update, remove that line of code in your .htacess file, and if you look at that page it will have a PR 10!
::::Commonly Asked Questions!::::
Q.) How do I make A certain page other than my homepage have a pr10?
A.) Simply edit the 1 line of code to show the page you want to have the page rank 10. Let's say you want your links page to have an instant pr10, you would use this line of code in your .htaccess file.
Redirect 301 /links.html Google
Q.) How do I customize the instant page rank that I receive? For example I want my website to have a page rank of 9...8...7...or 6 to make it look less obvious that the site used blackhat seo
A.) Simply change the url of the destination url in the code. For example..
If you want an instant page rank 9 domain use this code..
Redirect 301 /index.html Sign Up - My Yahoo!
If you want an instant page rank 8 domain use this code...
Redirect 301 /index.html Web hosting, domain names and web design services by FortuneCity
If you want an instant page rank 7 domain use this code...
Redirect 301 /index.html Netfirms - Web Hosting, Domain Names and E-commerce for Small Business
Basically look at the site that you put into the code and you will receive the exact same page rank as that website during the next pr update.
In the Application used to perform action box, type "Printdir.bat" (without the quotation marks).
Click OK in all three dialog boxes to close the dialog boxes.
You're not quite finished yet! Now you need to edit the Registry, so open your favorite Registry Editor.
Navigate to HKEY CLASSES ROOT\Directory\shell.
Right click on "default" and select Modify.
In the File Data box, type "none" (without the quotation marks).
Click OK and close the Registry Editor.
Now when you right click a folder, you'll see the option to Print Directory Listing. Selecting it will print the contents of the folder.
Who needs a stinking program to print a folder directory?
How To Fix Corrupted Files
This tutorial has been made so people that are having problems with corrupted files, can learn how to fix them easy.
+ Place the xp cd in your cd/dvd drive
+ Go to start
+ run
+ type in 'sfc /scannow' (without the ')
Now it should all load, and fix all your corrupted file on windows XP
How to Remove WinXP Splash and See Operations
Are you having boot up problems and would like to know what it going on behind that Windows Loading Logo? To find out, you can disable the splash screen by making a small change to the Boot.ini file.
Follow these steps (carefully!):
1. Open the "System Properties" dialog box ( Settings - Control Panel - System)
2. On the Advanced tab, click the Settings button in the "Startup And Recovery" section.
3. In the "Startup And Recovery" dialog box, select the Edit button in the "System Startup" section.
4. The Boot.ini file will open in Notepad; locate the line that ends with the /fastdetect switch.
5. Position your cursor to the right after the parameter, press the spacebar, and add the /SOS switch.
6. Save the Boot.ini file, and close Notepad.
7. Click Cancel to close both the "Startup And Recovery" dialog box and the "System Properties" dialog box.
8. Restart the computer to see the effect.
Once the computer restarts you will notice that the Windows Splash Screen is no longer present. Instead you can observe some of the boot up operations that Windows XP performs during the startup stage.
To reenable the splash screen, follow the same procedure but remove the "/SOS".
Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown
This reg file automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.
1. Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management]
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l]
2. Save the file as shutdown.reg
3. Double click the file to import into your registry.
NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "Script Safe" or similar technology enabled.
FireFox Tweaks
Yes, firefox is already pretty damn fast but did you know that you can tweak it and improve the speed even more?
That's the beauty of this program being open source.
Here's what you do:
In the URL bar, type "about:config" and press enter. This will bring up the configuration "menu" where you can change the parameters of Firefox.
Note that these are what I've found to REALLY speed up my Firefox significantly - and these settings seem to be common among everybody else as well. But these settings are optimized for broadband connections - I mean with as much concurrent requests we're going to open up with pipelining… lol… you'd better have a big connection.
Double Click on the following settins and put in the numbers below - for the true / false booleans - they'll change when you double click.
browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs – true
network.http.max-connections – 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server – 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy – 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server – 4
network.http.pipelining – true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests – 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining – true
network.http.request.timeout – 300
One more thing… Right-click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW -> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. Since you're broadband - it shouldn't have to wait.
Now you should notice you're loading pages MUCH faster!
How To Edit Right-Click Menu Items
Removing Items
A lot of programs you install will add themselves to the right-click menu of your files and/or folders. And most times, you have no choice in the matter and, as a result, your right-click menu can get very long with added items you don't even use. The last person I was helping with this had a right context menu so long that the Rename option was no longer visible!
Fortunately, you can easily remove those unwanted menu items, if you know the registry values to edit. And it's not at all difficult once you know the keys responsible for the additions.
For Files, the secret lies in the "context menu handlers" under the shellex subkey for "All Files" which, in the registry, is nothing but an asterisk - like a dos wildcard, which means the values entered apply to all files. It is at the very top of the Root key, right here:
Click the the + sign next to the ContextMenuHandlers key, to expand it.
Now you will see some of the programs that have added items to your right-click menu. Simply delete the program keys you don't want.
Yup! It's that simple. If deleting makes you uneasy, just export the key before deleting it. Or, instead of deleting the values, disable them. Simply double click the default value for the program on the right hand pane and rename the clsid value by placing a period or dash in front of it.
ie; - {b5eedee0-c06e-11cf-8c56-444553540000}
Then exit the registry, refresh, and right click a file to see if the item was removed from the menu.
Some programs - like WinZip or WinRar - will add several items to your right click menu but all of them will be removed by deleting or disabling their one context menu handler.
Note that the above key only applies to the right click menu of files.
To remove entries from the right click context menu of folders, you need to navigate to the Folder and Drive keys:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandle rs
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shellex\ContextMenuHandler s
All you have to do is follow the same procedure as for Files - either disable or delete items you wish to remove.
Adding Items
Adding Items to the right click menu of Files and Folders is also fairly simple using the Registry. It just involves the creation of a few new keys for each item you wish to add. You edit the same keys used for removing items. Let's use Notepad as an example of an item you'd like to add to the right click menu of all your files or folders.
For folders, go to this key:
Click the + sign next to Folder and expand it so that the Shell key is visible. Right click the Shell key and choose New>Key and name the key Notepad or whatever else you'd prefer (whatever the key is named is what will appear in the right-click menu). Now right click the new key you made and create another key named Command. Then, in the right hand pane, double click "Default" and enter Notepad.exe as the value.
Exit the registry, refresh, and right click any folder. Notepad should now be on the context menu.
For files, go here again:
Expand the * key and see if a Shell key exists. If it does exist, follow the same procedure as for folders. If it does not exist, you'll have to create a new Shell first. Just right click the * key and choose New>Key and name it Shell. Then right click the Shell key and continue on the same way you did for adding items to the right click menu of folders.
Once done, Notepad should appear as an option in the right click menu of all your files.
how to setup ur own dns(domain name server)
This is only a quick tutorial, there are literally hundreds of little tricks you can do with a DNS, but this will get your basics up and running. I'm assuming you want to setup a windows DNS server, but the principals will work for most servers.
You will need..
1) A domain name over which you have full control
2) DNS server software(Windows server always comes with one of these)
3) At least one fixed IP address, allthough two is highly desirable
4) An idea of what services you want on your server
The first thing you need to do is create your new domain entry. In windows this is called a "Zone" and you will have one for every domain name you have. Add your main domain in the forward lookup zone as a Primary zone, which will be in the format " Domainname.com", or .co.uk, or whatever, you shouldn't need any more details for this bit. Do *not* allow dynamic updates unless this is a local network DNS. Once it is created you will have 2 entry's under your new domain, "SOA"(Or Start of Authority) and "NS"(Or Name server). If you want a 100% compliant DNS then you should now follow the same process but adding a domain as a reverse lookup zone. Any changes you make to the forward lookup should have the "Update Reverse Lookup" option ticked if its available, if not you must update the reverse zone manually(This is very important).
Now edit the "NS" entry in your forward zone to "NS0.DomainName.Com", and set it to the relevant IP address. Add another (NS) record and set it to " NS1.DomainName.Com". If using 2 IP address, try to make NS0 the first IP. Now you need to configure the SOA entry in the forward lookup zone. The serial number should be changed to a date followed by a number in this format "YYYYMMDDnn", this is not required, but is advised by RIPE. The primary server will be the " NS0.domainname.com" entry you just made and the responsible person should be left for now. The refresh interval should be set somewhere between 1200 to 43200 seconds, the retry should be between 120-7200 seconds and the expires after should be around 2-4 weeks(I'll let you work out the seconds for that). The minimum TTL is quite important, and depending on what you are going to do with the domain, you might need to tweak this a bit. Typically a value between 1-3 hours should be used. Now go to your "Name server" settings in your SOA record(In windows this is a tab in the same window) remove the defaults, and add your two Name servers that you just setup. We will come back to the SOA record later, but for now we need to do some more stuff.
If you want a website, then your going to want the WWW. setting up. We will set it up as an "A" record, which means it is a separate top level record and will be populated separately from other entries. So add an "A" to your forward lookup zone and put the entry as "WWW", and set the IP address to wherever you want the website to be. This will be where the domain always goes, and it could be anywhere. Just make sure there is a web server waiting there for it. If you want FTP, then setup the same thing but with "FTP" in the entry. You will now also have to setup "A" records for the NS0 and NS1 name servers that you added previously, just make them the same as WWW and FTP, but make sure the IP addresses match the ones used for setting up the "NS" records. Also add a blank "A" record, this will make sure that " domainname.com" works as well as "www.domainname.com".
Now you should decide whether or not you want to have mail on this domain. It is Hegel advisable that you set one up, even if it just to catch domain mail about abuse or potential problems that might occur. You can find plenty of high quality free mail servers out there, but I would recommend "Mail Enable", its free and provides everything you would want, but if you want webmail you do have to pay something extra for it. We will now configure the MX records. Add an "A" name for your mail server, you can add 2 if you want, but for simplicity I would advise staying with 1. We will call ours " Mail.domainname.com", and point it to one of our IP addresses. Now add an "MX" record in the Forward Lookup zone, giving it the full "A" record you just entered " Mail.domainname.com", and do not setup a host or child domain, just leave it blank.
This next step isn't needed, but is again highly recommended.
Now to finish the SOA you need to add two more records. A "RP" entry, which is a Responsible Person, and they will be the contact point for domain complaints and a "MB" entry, which is a mailbox entry. The "MB" should just be pointed to the mail server domain name " Mail.domainname.com", and the "RP" should have the host or domain set to the name of your mail box. So for this server it will be " Tony.Domainname.com", and the mailbox will be set to the "MB" record you just made. Don't worry about the RP address having no "@" in it, this is the expected format for an "RP" entry. You will now have to go back into the SOA and change the responsible person to the new "RP" record you just made.
And thats it, your done! You can add as many "A" records as you like to point to other web servers, or a multitude of FTP sites. And you can add "CNAME" records to basically point to another name, usually an "A" record, like an alias.
Now before you switch your domain on, you need to check that the server is performing properly. So go to DNS Report: The free, thorough report on the DNS for your domain, and run the report on your domain " domainname.com", and it will give you a very detailed report of any problems, and even a short description of how to fix the problems. If all is OK, then you are ready to go live. If your domain name is new, or not currently hosted anywhere then the first thing you should do is re-point the domain at your new server. You will typically do this with the provider who owns the domain, and it will be different with all hosts. But the basic settings are the same. You will be asked for at least 2 name servers and ip addresses to go with them. Just put in " NS0.domainname.com" and "NS1.domainname.com" and put in the correct IP addresses. Make sure you do not mess this up, as changes to your main NS servers could potentially take several days to straighten themselves out. Update these settings, and then sit back and wait. You can do a whois on the main DNS server of your domain provider to check if the settings have worked, but again this doesn't always work. For the big 3 domains(.com .net .org) you can do a whois on the network associates site to see the changes instantly. You can also track the progress of the domain changes by doing an NSLookup in dos, like this...
c:\nslookup ns0.domainname.com NS0.yourprovidersdns.com
That will give you the entries your domain provider has
c:\nslookup DomainName.com -- Reserve Your Place In Cyberspace with DomainName.com Domain Name Registration Services! ns0.domainname.com
And this will tell you if the changes for your domain have gone through to your ISPs DNS yet. It should give you back the IP address of your new DNS server.
You should always make sure your server is backed up, and that you refresh or update the DNS when you are making changes.
How To Capture Streaming Media
Many websites (A1 Bollywood Hindi Tamil Telugu Indian Music Videos Songs Soundtracks Movie Film and News - SmasHits.com) stream songs and videos
people believe they cannot be downloaded, quite why i dont know. they kinda think there is no file present to dwnld
Once the file is located it can then be retrieved by nettransport
nettransport is able to dwnld any file whether ftp or rtsp etc
1. Download Project URL Snooper 1.02.01 from ‚Ý‚ç‚Ý‚ç‚Ý‚ç`
2. Install URL Snooper (and WinPcap together)
3. Don't run URL Snooper when it is done installing
4. Restart computer
5. Open Project URL Snooper
6. Click on the General Options Tab
7. user posted image
8. Chose a network adapter
9. Now click on the search tab
10. Click Sniff Network
11. Go to a webpage and you should see some results in the results list
12. If nothing is appearing then chose another network adapter, until one works
13. Now you are ready to begin searching
14. Click the "Hide Non-Streaming URLs" option to hide all http:// references and only show URLs corresponding to streaming audio/video (rtsp, pnm, wma, etc.)
15. Then click Sniff Network
16. Your links should appear as you begin streaming your file
17. Select your desired stream user posted image
18. usually rm file user posted image
19. On the bottom there should be the link which you simply copy user posted image
20. Download nettransport from here
ftp://down_transport:123@s1.5fox.com/NT2Setup_multi.EXE or
ftp://nettransport:nettransport@61.1...up_multi. EXE
21. Install it
22. Click on new
23. Paste link
Now you should be able to download any file
How To Give Yourself An Instant Page Rank 10 Website?
Basically all you are doing is adding one line of code to your .htaccess file.
The short sweet and simple method....
1.) Paste this line of code in your .htaccess file
Redirect 301 /index.html Google
And your done! Notice that your homepage will now suddenly redirect to Google, but all other pages will still work fine. After the next Google PR update, remove that line of code in your .htacess file, and if you look at that page it will have a PR 10!
::::Commonly Asked Questions!::::
Q.) How do I make A certain page other than my homepage have a pr10?
A.) Simply edit the 1 line of code to show the page you want to have the page rank 10. Let's say you want your links page to have an instant pr10, you would use this line of code in your .htaccess file.
Redirect 301 /links.html Google
Q.) How do I customize the instant page rank that I receive? For example I want my website to have a page rank of 9...8...7...or 6 to make it look less obvious that the site used blackhat seo
A.) Simply change the url of the destination url in the code. For example..
If you want an instant page rank 9 domain use this code..
Redirect 301 /index.html Sign Up - My Yahoo!
If you want an instant page rank 8 domain use this code...
Redirect 301 /index.html Web hosting, domain names and web design services by FortuneCity
If you want an instant page rank 7 domain use this code...
Redirect 301 /index.html Netfirms - Web Hosting, Domain Names and E-commerce for Small Business
Basically look at the site that you put into the code and you will receive the exact same page rank as that website during the next pr update.
Tags: Hacking

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