How To Add Styles To The Status Massage Of GTalk

Everyone usually have at least one gmail account. Most of us try to display status messages in gtalk other than busy, away, available etc, like with a quote, funny, showing our mood etc.Here are some good tips to add some style to those status messages.
Always set some attracting status message which suit to your character!
If you want to make bold, just add Astrix ( * ) before and after a particular word.
Eg: if you want status like below:
“When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby..”
Set your status as:
“When the *mouse* laughs at the * cat*, there is a *hole* nearby..”
If you want to make it in italics, like below
“Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder..”
do this:
“Beauty is in the eye of the _beer_ holder...”
(don’t forget the white space after _ and before _ !!!!)

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