7 Steps to Improve Your Facebook EdgeRank and Dominate Facebook

  1. Find out your Edgerank: Visit the unofficial Edgerank Checker to verify each of your pages Edgerank Score.
  2. Post more Videos & Pictures: Not only do they grab people’s attention compared to the standard text updates; they also seem to be highly favoured by the Edgerank algorithm.
  3. Encourage Commenting: Bear in mind that when you create content, your main goal is to encourage interaction. So, make sure to ASK for comments, feedbacks and even “likes” (something is better than nothing).
  4. Interact With Your Audience: Interact with your audience more frequently. When they see that you actually reply to their comments, they’re more likely to engage. Don’t forget to do a Crowd Source for content ideas. Not only will the content resonate with your audience, they’ll definitely appreciate being included in the creation process.
  5. Ask the Questions: The best way to engage with your audience is to ask them questions. You will be surprised how many of them will answer you. The key is to make sure you have a call to action. So, Ask and you shall receive.
  6. Watch Your Timing: Now that you have a targeted, engaged audience, the last thing you want to do is blow it by posting too many updates. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula. The frequency of your updates will depend on your audience. Start smaller (3 updates per week to once a day), and work your way up to the “sweet spot”.
  7. Personality: When engaging with your audience, feel free to let your personality flow through. The last thing you want is for your audience to feel like they’re talking to a machine.

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